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Healing my body 🤗

Since I have been unwell lately (still have my cough) I am trying to look after my body better.

I have heard eating a spoonful of coconut oil every morning has quite some health benefits. Have a look at this page for more information.

I'm not sure if these benefits are true but I know alot of people who have done it so I shall give it a go.

Secondly I am trying to do yoga every day. I started this morning with a 10 minute yoga session for beginners. Here's the link to it

It was a nice little kick me up the butt I needed for the morning. I feel more awake, relaxed and in the right frame of mind.

I am also going to try and go walking more often. This will be the most difficult one as when I come home from university I just want to curl up on the sofa and stuff my face.

Also I love meditation so I will try incorporate that into my daily routine.

Lastly portion sizes are a big problem for me, my plates always overflowing. So I am going to try cut down on how much dinner I eat. I am not one for a major food overhaul but simple small changes should help.

I am going to try eat more fruit and have healthier lunches. Cut back on the sweets but do it without making myself miserable.

I have always struggled with exercise and diet and find I am more miserable than I was when I felt fat and frumpy.

So doing exercise I like and only making a few small tweaks to my diet should help me energise and heal my body.

If you have any tips or advice for me please send me a message on Twitter @jour2positivity.

I am going to try start vlogging again soon so keep your eyes peeled on my Twitter page.

Hope you all have a fab week and are feeling Good!


Lots of love




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