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Showing posts from September 1, 2016


Had great fun today volunteering at a lego club. Think I had more fun than the kids. Building lego was quite therapeutic actually can imagine it being good at times when your feeling down or just need some time to reflect on your own.  Here is my creation!

Remaining positive when you feel stressed or annoyed..

We all know it is not possible to stay positive 100% of the time. Things annoy you, people annoy you and no matter what happens this will always exist. It's how we deal with these situations that make the biggest difference.  For example I am sat here now on the bus, it's at least 20 degrees outside (I live in scotland) so for us this is warm. There is not a hint of wind and there is this insanely annoying beeping sound coming from a broken emergency door. I am exhausted after a long day at work filled with many things that have annoyed me. Instead of dwelling on the heat, the beeping sound or the crappy day I've had I stick my earphones in and drift away. I start to think of the great things that await me when I get home. Seeing my wonderful boyfriend and talking about random things like we always do. Making our favourite dinner which is chilli corne carni EXTRA HOT! and seeing my beautiful baby boy (my bunny rabbit). We have so much love all around us right now altho...