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Reiki and massage

I had the best experience tonight! A few months ago a lady passed me a leaflet on the bus for her daughters business. Looking at the flyer I realised it was the holistic therapy field that her daughter was working. I had wanted a massage for ages and was always intrigued by reiki. I emailed the girl straight away. I knew from just a few emails that we were meant to come together at some point.

So tonight I went to her beautiful studio and received a wonderful full body aromatherapy massage and reiki session. She had an oil diffuser bubbling away and the smell was devine. So much so I am looking at purchasing one for myself. Gentle music played in the background and I drifted off into a peaceful daze.

The main event was the reiki session, I was totally blown away by it. The things I saw and felt were surreal. I felt like I was floating and at one point cold then warm. I saw lights and flashes which got stronger when certain body parts were touched. Afterwards when I came to I felt really heavy as if I had run a marathon. My mouth was dry (still is) and the room floated. She told me there was a lot of energy coming from my head and neck area. She told me the neck area could mean I struggle to tell people how I really feel. Which is a problem I do struggle with. I'd rather soldier on than sort and issue.

If you have never had reiki before I highly recommend it. The world is made up of so much energy why not make it positive.

I shall sleep well tonight!



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