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The day I knew something had changed..

After a few days and chapters of this amazing book there came a day when everything seemed to happen. It was a very odd day full of strange goings on. It was like I had a force within me that just with a thought it appeared in front of me. 
Firstly I was waiting for a letter from my works bursary funding to see if I had been accepted. I started college in order to hopefully fulfill my dream of going to university to study nursing. My colleague asked if I had heard anything yet but I said no. A few hours later my manager tells me she got an email and I had been accepted for funding for my course. 
Secondly a girl had left her purse in the toilet so my manager asked me to hand it into lost property. As I sat filing the form out at the lost property office the girl appeared behind me. Instead of going to the toilet firstly where she left it she came straight to the lost property office where I was standing with her purse. 
Lots of other things happened that day, I would phone someone and they would appear right in front of me. Lots of little things that made me realise the energy I am putting out there is being brought back to me. 
Karma is definitely not make believe it is a real and precious thing. You must always aim to give out positive Karma whether it be holding a door for someone or giving them directions. Aim to do at least three positive things for others a day and you WILL receive it back. Not right away,maybe not even days,weeks or months away but it WILL come.
The Buddhist believe that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.


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