I have a huge problem with being a gossip and bad mouthing people behind their back.
I just get so frustrated that I have to have a rant about them to release that negative energy inside of me.
But why do I let what they are doing annoy me so much?
Then I realised the reason they keep annoying me is because I keep having bad feelings towards them.
I am attracting their behaviour by talking about them in a bad way.
So from now on I will never gossip or bitch about anyone again. Instead I will ignore their behaviour but if they are brought into conversation I will highlight what's good about them. Yes this will be hard but by doing this then I can hopefully reverse the bad energy.
Treat others how you wish to be treated and if they don't treat you nicely kill them with kindness (not literally).
Hope you are all having a nice weekend and staying positive:-)
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